In the picturesque town of Herne, Kent, lies a traditional brewery with a modern twist – Goody Ales. Beyond being renowned for their exceptional handcrafted ales, Goody Ales harbours a deep-rooted commitment to the community that’s as robust as the bold flavours of their brews. Their recent proud sponsorship of the Herne Bay Christmas Lights is a sparkling example of this dedication to local endeavours.
As the festive season descends upon Herne Bay, Goody Ales lights up not just the spirited faces of ale enthusiasts but also the heart of the community by supporting the magnificent display of Christmas lights. The brewery’s involvement illuminates the town’s festive spirit, shimmering brightly against the backdrop of a chilly winter’s night. This initiative, among others, reflects the warm ethos of community engagement that Goody Ales embodies.
Established in 2012, Goody Ales has been on an invigorating journey, crafting not just incredible ales but also enduring relationships within the community. Nestled at Bleangate Brewery, Braggs Lane, Goody Ales’ traditional brewing methods, accentuated by the distinctive Kentish hops, have always paid homage to the rich brewing legacy of the region.
Their beers are a harmonious blend of classic and contemporary, much like their approach to community involvement. Goody Ales’ Cathedral Bar and Shop is more than a tasting room; it’s a gathering spot for locals and a hearty welcome for visitors to the town. Their monthly “Firkins at full moon” events have become a cherished local tradition, fostering camaraderie and celebrating the beautiful synergy between a well-brewed ale and well-knit community bonds.
Moreover, the eco-conscious ethos of Goody Ales shines through in their sustainable practices. ‘The Beast’, their wood-burning boiler, symbolises a renewable spirit, using logs from sustainably managed woodlands to heat the brewing water.
Goody Ales isn’t just brewing beer; they’re nurturing a sense of togetherness and fostering local pride, one exquisite ale and one community initiative at a time. The effervescent support for the Herne Bay Christmas Lights is merely a glimpse into the wholesome tale of Goody Ales – a brewery where every pint poured is a toast to the community.
So, as the town twinkles under the festive lights, and the air gets crisper with winter’s touch, why not warm up with a hearty ale from Goody Ales? Your cheers will not only celebrate a finely crafted brew but also a brewery’s endearing pledge to community camaraderie.